This Blog:

It's Time for a change in pace. I no longer have a deployed soldier and I will continue to post things you can send to your loved one when I get ideas. You may still send ideas to me at I am taking this theme of "For the love of a soldier" in a different direction. Now to try to help families and soldiers cope with life after deployment.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome Home Banners This site has done several give aways for military families to welcome home there troops. the banner above and the one below are the ones that welcomed my husband home for R&R. I payed (I think) $30-45 total for both banners. My husband had to drive from NM to AZ so the above banner was on his jeep at his folks place and he had a bag full of everything he would need to stay the night in NM if necessary. the lower banner was hung on the wall of our home, it would have been hung outside if not for the mass amount of snow we received.