This Blog:

It's Time for a change in pace. I no longer have a deployed soldier and I will continue to post things you can send to your loved one when I get ideas. You may still send ideas to me at I am taking this theme of "For the love of a soldier" in a different direction. Now to try to help families and soldiers cope with life after deployment.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Toy Box

My husband and his roommate happened to mention that they where board and had very little to do... Well Wal-mart has this great section within the toy section that contains a ton of random little toys for only a dollar! So I got him and his roommate each little air plane launchers, and disc shooters, and race cars, and a few card games, just a lot of little things that little kids have fun with that when board enough these big strong grown men soldiers will see and automatically turn into little boys and have the time of their lives with! I call it a boardum box. a bunch of little things to help pass the time when there isn't much to do :)

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