This Blog:

It's Time for a change in pace. I no longer have a deployed soldier and I will continue to post things you can send to your loved one when I get ideas. You may still send ideas to me at I am taking this theme of "For the love of a soldier" in a different direction. Now to try to help families and soldiers cope with life after deployment.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Bad Day Box

Sent by Sydney Davis and Army GF

For when the going gets tough out there.

1.Get a box, doesn't matter what size or shape.
2. Fill the box with uplifting letters, pictures of loved ones, memories that will make them laugh, love coupons, things they loved as a child (like old type candies that keep and little toys or pictures of them.

Sydney said she went to his mother and asked her what kind of thing he liked as a child and included pictures of when he was little. The letters told all the ways she loved him and of good memories she had with him, she wrote one as if she was telling a friend about him. A "you know I met this great guy!" letter. You can include videos that show you (or your children) having fun or sending special feel good messages just for him. Sydney also put all her letters/ pictures and notes in individual envelopes. She also sent a can and on the out side wrote "If your having a bad day, Remember this, I love you!" and taped her picture to the can too.
The kids either favorite nieces and nephews or his own children can draw pictures, write letters, or make cards to go in it too.
Sydney also made coupons for her BF that where for things they could do when he got home and "get out of the dog house free" coupons for the man that occasionally get into trouble.

3. After you have filled the box completely place an envelope either at the top of the box where he is sure to see it first or tape it to the outside and on the outside of it write "READ ME FIRST!" In this envelope the letter needs to lay out 2 rules.
1. "The box is not to be opened unless he is having a bad day."
2. "Only take out a few things at once." so that there are others for future bad days.

Thank you so much for this GREAT idea Sydney! I have known several soldiers who have lost GF, wives, or loved ones while on deployment and could have used one of these boxes from their wives, mothers, or family members. What a great idea!

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