This Blog:

It's Time for a change in pace. I no longer have a deployed soldier and I will continue to post things you can send to your loved one when I get ideas. You may still send ideas to me at I am taking this theme of "For the love of a soldier" in a different direction. Now to try to help families and soldiers cope with life after deployment.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Awesome Memorial Day Finds!


My cousin found some awesome give a ways and here are there links! PLEASE SHARE!!!

1. Photo album for Deployed military members. 
     Just upload up to 60 photos and they will ship the completed cargo pocket sized photo album to any APO, FPO, or MPO address! So send this off to your friends and family with men and women over seas!

2. Free Huggies Diapers! (and they're camo, blue camo, but very cute!) 
     In San Diego, Camp Pendleton, and Fort Leonard Wood, they are giving away free CAMO diapers! click the heading above to get all the info so pass it on to those military mommies! TODAY in San Diego and Camp Pendleton and June 7th on Leonard Wood!!!

So my Military readers please pass this info onto your friends! Click on the headings and it will take you to the links!

P.S. Just brought to my attention:  Additionally, Armed Services YMCA branches at Fort Bragg |Camp Lejeune, NC, Camp Pendleton, 29 Palms, and San Diego, CA, in addition to Fort Campbell, KY and Fort Leonard Wood, MO, will also receive diapers, with a total donation of 4 million diapers, valued at $400,000, to the Armed Services YMCA. I updated my link to show the calendar page. This gives their various places and dates and sounds like an on going thing so you mommies out there please check back often on that link to see if your base has been added to the list!

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