This Blog:

It's Time for a change in pace. I no longer have a deployed soldier and I will continue to post things you can send to your loved one when I get ideas. You may still send ideas to me at I am taking this theme of "For the love of a soldier" in a different direction. Now to try to help families and soldiers cope with life after deployment.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Supporting Soldiers

I know there are a lot of people out there who want to help a soldier who is over seas but either have no friends or family currently deployed or don't know any soldiers at all so here are a few sites who can help you make a deployed soldiers day!

Operation Love box
Good looking care packages.

Operation Shoebox
These guys are currently in need of travel sized hygiene products for their care packages and Softball equipment for a bunch of guys in Kuwait!

Any Soldier Inc
This site has soldiers who have signed up with them who would like to receive mail or packages and they give you all the rules and guidelines you need to know. You can read through their front page or go to the home tab and click the "Let's get started" link to find out how they work! They also have links to Any Marine/Sailor/Airman/Cost Guard at the top of their page.

Giddy Giftbox
This is one you can send to your soldier or to a soldier you don't know! Just read the directions.

Give 2 The Troops
These guys seem to be in need of money donations cover the postage of their care packages. They have impressive numbers though.

Remember this long weekend while you lay by the pool, BBQ, and enjoy your family, friends, and freedom that there are still troops over seas fighting for your freedom, safety, and way of life. Take a moment to thank a soldier or a vet this weekend, write a letter, or just a moment of silence for those who have fallen in battle and for their surviving families.

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