This Blog:

It's Time for a change in pace. I no longer have a deployed soldier and I will continue to post things you can send to your loved one when I get ideas. You may still send ideas to me at I am taking this theme of "For the love of a soldier" in a different direction. Now to try to help families and soldiers cope with life after deployment.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Themed boxes are a fun way to show you care.Your box can be as elaborate or as symple as you like. They can also be any size. The one I made a while back was just a 5x7 recipe card box that snapped closed. I called it a "Survival Box". It had a thing of chap stick, a small bundle of bandaids, a traval size sunscreen, a traval size bottle of hand sanitizer, a roll of "camping" toilet paper, and a few other small items. I found that the best place to find all these small traval size things where in the traval size items and with the camping stuff at wal-mart. They have all sorts of cute/useful little things. You can have any theme for these boxes that you want. Survival, First Aid, Toy box, Higiene (toothpaste, soap, etc.), Candy box. Your imagination is the only limit you have. I would love to hear how you make this idea your own!

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